Signs of the Times
Cartoonists are not only attuned to the funny side of life but also to its ridiculous and off beat aspects. Thus a number of cartoons reproduced in the following pages are based on the ever more obvious movement from the extreme polarization of masculine and feminine, clothing, hairdos and accessories to- ward the center position of being more and more a- like. Cartoonists generally being of the older gen- eration see this movement as ridiculous and comical rather than a manifestation of a social movement a- way from the fixed, structured and compartmented living of previous years. It is part of the protest of the young against all manner of false, unneces- sary, hypocritical and divisive attitudes and pat- terns that afflict our culture. Since the older generation always seeks to maintain that to which it is accustomed holding up to ridicule is one means of attempting a "put down" of the younger generation. Of course it wont succeed--it never does--the young- er generation always goes its own way--even as you and I.
Other cartoons depict that curiosity which an- thropologists detect even in primitive cultures about the sexual-genderal aspects of the other sex. Most cartoonists being male, their curiosity is aimed at the females. Thus many cartoons place a male in a more or less female-feminine situation with appropriate caption. This expresses not only the cartoonists curiosity but also appeals to a lar- ge proportion of his readers as they too share this inherant curiosity.
Reproduction of these cartoons in TVia is not intended as a plagiarism of others work but rather as a commentary on our times. As the sources are not known there is no way of giving credit.